Public procurements

By digitizing the requirement specification, you make quality procurements more cost-effective.

Ensuring quality procurements

With ProjectTOP, you produce high-quality requests for proposals. You ensure that every procurement notice sent to the request for proposal service is made according to your best practices.

The foundation of a successful procurement is a high-quality requirement specification. With ProjectTOP, you easily create a quality requirement specification, and all requirement specifications will be easily available in one menu.

Public procurement

Setting up procurement

In ProjectTOP, we bring in project templates tailored to your practices, guiding the execution of each procurement according to best practices.

Guided planning and execution of procurement

ProjectTOP assists and guides the planning and execution of procurement. The chosen template inherits tasks, decision-making, document links, and instructions into the plan. This makes procurement planning and execution effortless.

Requirement specification

With ProjectTOP, you ensure that each requirement is written carefully. The built-in process for handling requirements allows recycling, processing, and approval of requirements. Every comment and change is logged, and progress can be monitored in real-time.

Requirements for the request for proposal

In ProjectTOP, there are ready-made layouts that allow you to upload requirements to your request for proposal templates. Alternatively, you can also use an Excel file prepared in ProjectTOP.

The requirements are exported from ProjectTOP as an attachment to the Tender Service’s request for proposal. The responses from the winning suppliers are brought back to ProjectTOP without losing the previous discussion history with the suppliers.

Contract - Planning of the implementation project

Most often, the implementation plan in the supplier’s proposal is designed only for the supplier’s part and the customer’s responsibilities.

You can bring the supplier’s project plan into ProjectTOP and expand it into a shared plan for all parties involved in the implementation project. In the contract phase, the high-level plan can be expanded into a detailed implementation plan.

Implementation project

The implementation project of the service/solution is a direct continuation of the procurement phase. Every requirement, comment, decision, and description from the procurement phase are available in the implementation project.

With ProjectTOP, you manage every phase of the implementation project as agilely as you want. You manage project planning, tasks, implementation, reporting, change management, testing, deployment, and post-deployment development.

ProjectTOP generates a report on the fulfillment of requirements. You receive a clear report on the validation of requirement fulfillment as well as any remaining open issues.

ProjectTOP Proposal

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Ilmaisen koekäytön tilaaminen onnistuu helposti tästä.

Lataa digitalisoinnin vaatimusmäärittely

Tarvitsetko listauksen julkisen hankinnan digitalisoimisen vaatimuksista. Voit ladata valmiin vaatimusmäärittelyn tästä.

Excel-latauspainike löytyy listauksen oikeasta ylänurkasta. 

The service is provided by a domestic ProjectTOP

ProjectTOP Solutions Oy is a Finnish software company established in 2008. Our clients primarily consist of medium-sized and large enterprises as well as public entities. Our software, support services, and instructions are available in Finnish.

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  2. You will receive the ProjectTOP installation by tomorrow and can start using it. ProjectTOP includes clear instructions, and usage is straightforward.
  3. When you want to continue using it after the 30-day trial, it’s a seamless process.

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