Efficiently manage resources with ProjectTOP's resource management

Effortlessly plan, schedule, and allocate resources.

You schedule better and reduce idle time

You get a centralized view of resource utilization and workload. This enables more precise scheduling and management of schedules.

Resource allocation can be done at a broader project level or in more detail at a task level.

You identify resource overload and bottlenecks

You see resource utilization and project schedules in one place. You distribute tasks more evenly among team members and ensure that people aren’t overloaded.

You make adjustments to project schedules based on resource availability and can visually report why everything can’t be done at once.

"ProjectTOP effectively supports project scheduling and resource allocation."

Mikko Kutvonen, Chief Technology Officer, Invenco Oy

Work and leave calendars ensure an accurate overview

You can mark a person’s line work allocation, which indicates how much time the resource has available to participate in projects or development work alongside their regular tasks. If someone works a partial week, ProjectTOP can also account for that.

People can also mark their leaves, providing the most accurate picture of resource utilization.

Integrate resource management with Gantt scheduling and agile Kanban boards to create a comprehensive project management platform.

The most efficient and user-friendly Gantt tool for project scheduling

Track progress visually and keep everyone up to date.

Work agile using ProjectTOP's Kanban boards

More results and less unnecessary communication.

Make data-driven decisions using ProjectTOP's automatic dashboards

Plans, progress, and analytics all in one place.

ProjectTOP is Finland's leading and most actively developing testing software.

When you want to be certain that the software works and deployment proceeds smoothly without risks.

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